
Sample speaking items and responses

To familiarize yourself with some speaking items and how responses are scored, see the sample speaking items below.

Sample speaking item 3

As part of the opening routines of the school year, you are asked to read aloud the procedure for fire drills. Read the text in italics — the title, introduction, and five rules — out loud. After each rule, offer a brief explanation of why this rule is in place.

Fire drill procedure

All members of the school community are expected to be familiar with the fire drill procedure. Fire drills will be conducted several times per year and are designed to ensure everyone is familiar with how to exit the school building safely and quickly.

1. If the fire alarm rings, all classroom activities must stop, and students and teachers must be quiet and listen for instructions over the PA system.
2. If instructed to evacuate, students must line up in pairs at the classroom door. Wait there until the teacher has counted all students.
3. Once students are counted, the teacher will instruct you to leave the classroom and tell you which direction to exit the building. Please follow the teacher's instructions!
4. While in the school corridors, ensure you are with your partner and with your class at all times.
5. After leaving the building, go to the assigned meeting point for your class on the north side of the soccer field (the side farthest from the school).

Example of a poor response

Score (3 points total)

Criterion 1 (1 point). The assigned text has been read, but there is no explanation provided for any of the rules.

Criterion 2 (1 point). The response is intelligible, but the errors in pronunciation and halting nature of the response impede understanding and engagement.

Criterion 3 (1 point). The tone, diction, and pace are not so problematic as to prevent communication, but they make it difficult for the listener to follow.

Example of a middling response

Score (5 points total)

Criterion 1 (1 point). The assigned text has been read, and there is commentary after each rule, but it is only commentary, with no explanation.

Criterion 2 (2 points). The response is intelligible, and pronunciation is good. The frequent pauses and filler words are disengaging for the listener.

Criterion 3 (2 points). The tone, diction, and pace are reasonable but not engaging and do not allow the listener to discern which points are most important.

Example of a strong response

Score ( 8 points total)

Criterion 1 (2 points). The assigned text has been read, and there is explanation after some, but not all, of the rules.

Criterion 2 (3 points). The response is intelligible, and pronunciation is good. The few pauses and filler words that exist do not detract from the effectiveness of the communication.

Criterion 3 (3 points). The tone, diction, and pace enhance engagement and allow the listener to discern which points are most important.