Mission and objectives

Pathways to Teach Canada provides a single entry point for internationally educated teachers (IETs) to apply for certification in participating provinces and territories.
Pathways to Teach Canada aims to:
- improve access to pre-arrival information for IETs seeking to teach in a participating province or territory in Canada;
- promote the adoption of fair, transparent, consistent, and timely assessment and recognition procedures. Such procedures are intended to help IETs obtain certification to teach in a participating province or territory;
- improve labour-market integration outcomes of IETs within the teaching profession in participating provinces and territories.
Please note that Pathways to Teach Canada does not grant certification to applicants.
The participating provincial and territorial regulatory bodies for the teaching profession retain exclusive jurisdiction for determining an applicant’s eligibility to teach. The regulatory bodies for the teaching profession are the sole entities that can:
- decide to grant certification;
- refuse certification;
- grant or refuse higher levels of certification; or
- request additional certification requirements.

Determine Your Pathway
Several criteria need to be considered to determine whether Pathways to Teach Canada services are right for you. Use this tool to find out if you are eligible for our services, and, if so, which assessment(s) you are required to take: the credential assessment, the LCATP, or both.