
Process Overview

Discover the steps and essential information you need to initiate your pathway to teaching in Canada.

A process specific to your pathway

To start the certification process with one of the participating provincial and territorial regulatory body for the teaching profession, you will be required to get an assessment of either or both your credentials and/or language competencies.

Once the process within Pathways to Teach Canada has been completed, you will need to contact the participating provincial and territorial regulatory body for the teaching profession of your choice to start the second step of the process and apply for certification.

Applicant process

Below, you will find a comprehensive overview of the applicant's pathway, which includes the steps within Pathways to Teach Canada and the steps involving regulatory bodies for the teaching profession.

Process within Pathways to Teach Canada

Step Action

Step 1
Prepare your application by

  • determining if you are eligible to apply to Pathways to Teach Canada by using the tool "Determine my pathways";
  • reviewing the requirements to initiate the first part of the certification process via Pathways to Teach Canada. The tool identifies which evaluations (credentials and/or language competency) are required to apply to the participating regulatory body for the teaching profession of your choice.

Step 2
Create an account, submit your application and pay the applicable fees for

  • your credential assessment, and/or;
  • your Language competency assessment (Language Competency Assessment for the Teaching Profession - LCATP).

Step 3
Start and track the assessments processes

  • with WES for the credential assessment, via your Pathways account;
  • schedule and take the LCATP via your Pathways account;
  • track the status of your assessments on your Pathways account. You will receive a notification once the assessments reports are available.

Step 4
Pathways to Teach Canada forwards your report(s)

  • your credential assessment and /or your LCATP report(s) are forwarded to your chosen provincial or territorial regulatory body for the teaching profession.
  • you can apply to more that one provincial or territorial regulatory body for the teaching profession by paying an additional fee for each province or territory.

Process outside of Pathways to Teach Canada

Step Action

Step 5
Apply for certification

Schedule your assessments today

Apply now to determine your pathway and schedule your credentials and/or language competency assessments.
